End of 2017 we were asked to prepare several offers for designing of proceedings and Catalogue. From 2018 the real job started.
2021: Proceedings for the UNESCO-Welterbestätte Kloster Lorsch 2021 (Laureshamensia III), A4 booklet with 116 pages, full colour with 9 articles. Printed in a circulation of 1,000 copies. Prepared in new Corporate Identity.
2020-2021: Due to Covid-19 several events by Kloster Lorsch were changed into Digital Events, where larger Social Media campaign was needed. We prepared images for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for several presentations taking place during those events. Later in the year we were asked to design poster and small Social Media images for one day event - a conference of AIMA or two days conference in May 2021 about Draft Animals.
2020: In September we designed a special issue of the Lauresham proceedings about pigs in the Middle Ages. It has turned out to be an A4 brochure with 112 pages, full colour with 9 articles, printed in a circulation of 1,000 copies. Next to it we designed a flyer and advert to promote the proceedings. Both products were designed keeping in mind a new Corporate Identity, freshly developed for the Kloster Lorsch.
2019: Proceedings for the UNESCO-Welterbestätte Kloster Lorsch 2017 (Laureshamensia I), A4 booklet with 82 pages, full colour with 8 articles, printed in a circulation of 1,000 copies. Those proceedings were reprinted (and redesigned based on the Issue 2 - Laureshamensia II, which we did early 2019).
2019: Proceedings for the UNESCO-Welterbestätte Kloster Lorsch 2019 (Laureshamensia II), A4 booklet with 86 pages, full colour with 9 articles. With this we started a new design of those biannual editions. Printed in a circulation of 1,000 copies.
2018: Catalogue for the temporary exhibition “The Aurochs, looking for traces”, at the Museum Centre Lorsch, Germany (Der Auerochse – eine Spurensuche, Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung im Museumszentrum Lorsch), with several chapters and articles - each in its own colour scheme. The book is in German. Some chapters have an additional part about the exhibits (we cut out over 60 objects from their backgrounds). It counts 140 pages in full colour, 135gr, and a cover of 4 pages in full colour 300 gr, printed in a circulation of 1,000 copies.