We made over 70 products since 2004, below a selection.
2022: The book of 2016 needed an update, not only we added 32 questions, but also redesigned the content, making it easier to read. At the same time the chapter pages were printed in full colour (while in 2016 it was black&white). The amount of pages in the new version is 204, 5.375 x 8.375 inch.
2017: When somebody else created this Tri-fold folder, there were several printer issues which needed to be solved, as well as problems with images. We kept the same color scheme, but reorganised the content: the images were made larger, the font changed and the whole outside panel is redone for readability sake and general appearance. It was printed in full color on lettersize. Circulation 1,000.
2016: Over the 2016 summer, we worked on the design for the book "76 Most Common Questions about Hinduism". The idea was to create an e-book, but later on the wish came to also have a print version. The design is the same for both versions, except that the e-book is full colour, while the book is black & white, with full colour cover. It contains 13 chapters; each has a unique colour set (as e-book). We used 60 images to enrich the answers. Across the book, we applied several mandala patterns for decoration. Quotes were picked to summarize each chapter. The cover design - the lotus flower - exists out of 16 images representing the wide range of aspects in Hinduism. The book is 128 pages, 5.375 x 8.375 inch.
2015: we made a few small products, like book cover, postcards or a folder for Janmashtmi.
2012: (Yet Another) Website for JKP RMD. Finally, there was time to work again on the web portal for JKP RMD. At first we thought we would continue with the website we had created a year earlier, but looking at the possibilities and carefully considering new developments and wishes, it was decided to use another Drupal Theme. Over a period of just seven weeks, we created a great start with this theme but adding much more content than before. We adapted the Drupal Theme for a subtle feel, while different areas are connected with each other to show a thorough view of what is available. With four different blogs, lots of videos, articles, image galleries, events, radio and amazing pictures all over the website it has a potential to develop for another few years. We build a new shop, member’s area and much more. One little detail: the Logo for JKP RMD Radio. With a cute design we show what this station broadcasts... a picture says more than a thousand words.
2011: With the changing of name, the time had come for a new website. Back in 2009, Mohini Visions had done an extensive research for the possibilities and options of a new website for this organisation. By then we had made an all-inclusive plan with different layouts. This work came in handy now albeit that the layout changed in the meantime (following a new template of the emailing list - now the website and list have the same layout).
2010-2011: We designed six letter size folders, made for the lobby of the Barsana Dham temple. Each folder explains one aspect: accommodation at the ashram of Barsana Dham, self-guided tour in and around the Barsana Dham temple, information about helping / making donations for the Sunday Lunch, served to the whole community attending the satsang, the Ancient Yoga Center, Rental Facilities and finally one with general info about Barsana Dham itself.
2009 - 2010: we started to work on a portal website including all facilities and centres of the organisation in the USA. This also included the design for newsletters.
2009-2011: several products were developed for the Hindu Family Camp: flyers, adverts, invitations and banners.
2009-2010: Three websites were designed for special events within JKP RMD: Hindu Family Camp, Secrets of Sadhana and the Ancient Yoga Centre, all using the same templates in Drupal, but each in a different colour scheme. From 2012 the websites were included in the main website.
2009: Several posters and banner were made. Two posters, each 15 x 46 inch, were designed to visually explain the important Holy Places in Braj (India) and their representations in Barsana Dham (Austin, TX). The posters were made three-dimensional - there were different levels printed separately and glued on top of each other.
2008 - 2011: For five years, each year, a calendar was designed, including all events. Printed between 5.000 and 7.500 pieces, 4/0 (full colour), on 100# house gloss cover. 6" x 8.5"
2008: Following the DVD cover design, CD and DVD labels / covers were designed. For all speeches and songs, which are published by the JKP Barsana Dham on CDs and DVDs we created covers. Those were made as templates easy to change accordingly, different series distinguished themselves by color or as covers a different cut-out. Printed on the spot, where also the CDs and DVDs were made.
2007, 2008 and 2010: Folder "Mela", flyers / advert and posters. For the annual event we developed a folder to show the programme and plan of the area (full colour). The open folder measures 17'' x 11'', folded it is 4.25'' x 8.25''. The folder is folded in a particular way, first a strip from below inward followed by folding from the two sides inward. The idea was to give special attention to the sponsors - with this way of folding, they got their place. The flyer and poster follow the design. Each year we changed the theme, but the idea remained the same.
2004: A number of DVD covers was designed for several themes (lectures, special events, chants). They are printed in house with the organisation itself when needed. It is easy to make variations with new subthemes. Still in use (note 2017).